Monday, August 8, 2011

It's Bow Easy!

I think I was probably in kindergarten when I discovered how difficult it is to tie a neat bow. (And 1000 years ago, we didn't have velcro shoes, so ugly bows were the only option!) I have since learned how to make "bunny ears" and then adjust, adjust, adjust. The problem with that technique is that it wastes an enormous amount of ribbon, so if you're going to be making multiple bows, that is not a great option. Thankfully, there is a great little template that assists in making perfect bows in a variety of sizes, and it wastes NO ribbon! Stop in Tuesday between 12 & 2 and let Jenn show you how to use it. If you get home and forget how it's done, stop back here to the blog. Simply look down the right side and you'll find a link to a video Laura created to refresh your memory. Or, you can pull out your smart phone while you're in the shop and scan the QR code and watch the video right there! We've come a long way since the dawn of velcro shoes!

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